Mantha entered the naval barracks, found Jenkins in his bunk, and stabbed him in the neck and face. Jenkins ran screaming from his cabin and collapsed, naked, bleeding to death, by the bunk of another sailor. Mantha returned to Perry's apartment. He said he'd had a fight with Jenkins, seemed unable later to believe Jenkins was dead. In the trial, much was made of the fact that Jenkins had once dressed as a woman and that three sailors had keys to cousin Perry's apartment.


State Sen. Charlie Johns (old hand at hunting witches) giving Univ. of Florida a rough go. Johns cagily says, "We might be investigating Communism . . . We might be investigating integration . . . or almost anything." But GAINESVILLE SUN editorialized that it was common knowledge that Johns' Investigating Committee (big digging done by veteran investigator, R. J. Strickland) "has uncovered shocking irregularities in the conduct of faculty members and other persons at the University of Florida." SUN was more shocked by thought that some alleged but nameless homosexuals might be allowed to resign quietly and leave university without the circulation-boosting effects of a big, juicy scandal. Gov. Collins, no ally of Charlie Johns, was non-committal. Wm. G. Gaither of state board that controls school said the board and the university have cooperated fully with committee, but have so far seen no proof of the loose charges floating around. "You can take any sizeable group and probably find some with homosexual tendencies. But we do not think the University is harboring homosexuals." And why shouldn't homo-


sexuals have the right to attend or teach at the University of Florida, or any other school?

Committee isn't making public statements-yet. Too busy intimidating students and faculty. As always, it seems the myopic witchhunter can't tell the difference between communists, integrationists and homosexuals ...

In Miami, Charles Smith, who admitted killing naval Commander R. T. Stewart in Key Largo (Stewart had sexually molested him, he said) tried to alibi out of another murder charge (of a cabbie) by saying that a B-girl (whom he couldn't name because she didn't want to testify) could prove he'd been with her when the cabbie was killed. He didn't seem to feel the need of an alibi for the Stewart killing, since he had already charged the man with a sexual advance. That's such a surefire line he should have used it for both the killings...

Salt Lake's topcop Cleon Skousen, sworn enemy of homosexuals and international gangsters, was real shook up recently at a Wash. D. C. confab of American Society of Criminology. His ears burned as one speaker after another recommended legalized gambling, a rational view of prostitution, abolition of antihomosexual laws and of capital punishment. "Armchair criminologists," Skousen huffed. "Only one of 20 speakers was a law enforcement officer."

From this corner, that seems reasonable. It's not the cop's job to decide what the law is or ought to be, but just to enforce it to best of his ability-a point too many bigheaded topcops forget. Few weeks earlier, SALT LAKE TRIBUNE lambasted Skousen's "weasel tactics," "bungling," "sanctimoniousness,' etc., when Skousen attacked paper